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Taste of Mexico
2018-07-22 11:12:09
Taste of Mexico

It’s an annual gastronomic festival that takes place in Little Village: neighborhood west of Chicago with the largest Mexican community in Illinois.  


It’s celebrated every summer, during three days, attracting thous...

Welcome To Little Village, La Villita App
2018-07-22 04:51:01
Welcome To Little Village, La Villita App

Little Village known by it’s residents as the “Mexico of the Midwest”, officially a part of the South Lawndale Community Area.

It was originally settled by Eastern European, Czech and Bohemian inmigrants in the late 19th century; by the mid-20th cen...

Commerce in Little Village
2018-07-23 05:33:21
Commerce in Little Village

Little Village is the second most successful commercial district in Chicago, its emergence began in the 60's, with the arrival of migrants, who would later be mostly Mexicans.


It has approximately 1200 stores that offer Mexican-style food: taquer...


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